
The VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 PQSMod is one of several mods in the HeightNoise family. They all produce heightmap noise, which can make terrain considerably more interesting. It is considered by some to be a much more customizable and far stabler alternative to VertexHeightNoise.

To replicate the effects of VertexHeightNoise, simply set the ridgedSub and simplex keys to 0 and set the simplexCurve to

  key = 0 1
  key = 1 0

Example #

            deformity = 200000
            ridgedMode = Medium

            ridgedAddSeed = 1
            ridgedAddFrequency = 4
            ridgedAddLacunarity = 0.7
            ridgedAddOctaves = 4

            ridgedSubSeed = 1
            ridgedSubFrequency = 8
            ridgedSubLacunarity = 1.4
            ridgedSubOctaves = 15

                key = 0 0 0.146 0.146
                key = 0.79 0.245 0.68 1.5
                key = 1 1 6.11 6.11

            simplexHeightStart = 0
            simplexHeightEnd = 1000
            simplexSeed = 1
            simplexOctaves = 8
            simplexPersistence = 0.5
            simplexFrequency = 1

            enabled = true
            order = 2

NOTE: ___ is substituted for "Add" and "Sub." "Add" creates a "base layer" of noise, and "Sub" layers on top of "Add," subdividing it and increasing detail. Finally, "simplex" creates a third and final layer atop the base and subdivision layers.

Property Format Description
deformity Decimal The overall deformity of the noise.
ridgedMode NoiseQuality The noise quality for both ridgedAdd and ridgedSub.
ridged___Frequency Decimal The size of the each feature of the ridged noise. As frequency gets bigger, size gets smaller.
ridged___Lacunarity Decimal The size of the gaps that are in the noise.
ridged___Octaves Integer The amount of blanketing over the noise. Higher octaves mean rougher noise.
ridged___Seed Integer The random seed of the noise.
simplexCurve FloatCurve A curve that assigns a height multiplier to a width value. Roughly speaking, simplexCurve draws 1/2 of a cross-section of the feature you are trying to create.
simplexHeightStart Decimal The starting height of the simplex, or 0 on the simplexCurve.
simplexHeightEnd Decimal The ending height of the simplex, or 1 on the simplexCurve.
simplexFrequency Decimal Similar to ridged___Frequency.
simplexOctaves Decimal Similar to ridged___Octaves.
simplexPersistence Decimal The complexity of or amount of detail in the noise.
simplexSeed Integer Similar to ridged___Seed.

If you want to replicate the effect of VertexHeightNoise with this mod, it is relatively simple to do so.

            // All blank fields can be whatever you want 
            deformity = 
            ridgedMode = 

            ridgedAddSeed = 
            ridgedAddFrequency = 
            ridgedAddLacunarity = 
            ridgedAddOctaves = 

            ridgedSubSeed = 
            ridgedSubFrequency = 0
            ridgedSubLacunarity = 
            ridgedSubOctaves = 

                key = 0 1
                key = 1 0

            simplexHeightStart = 
            simplexHeightEnd = 
            simplexSeed = 
            simplexOctaves = 
            simplexPersistence = 
            simplexFrequency = 0

            enabled = true
            order = 