
The VertexHeightNoise PQSMod is a mod that adds height noise to the terrain. This makes the terrain bumpier, though the "style" of bumps/features change with the noise type.
The noise is also additive, meaning that instead of overwriting the terrain altitude, it simply adds or subtracts from it.

{: #

Example #

      deformity = 1200
      frequency = 0.5
      octaves = 3
      persistence = 0.2
      seed = 134256
      noiseType = Perlin
      mode = High
      lacunarity = 0.7

      enabled = true
      order = 25

{: #
|Property|Format|Description| |--------|------|-----------| |deformity|Decimal|The deformity of the simplex terrain noise.| |frequency|Decimal|The size of the each feature of the simplex terrain noise. As frequency gets bigger, size gets smaller.| |octaves|Integer|The amount of blanketing over the noise. Higher octaves mean rougher noise.| |persistence|Decimal|The complexity of or amount of detail in the noise.| |lacunarity|Decimal|The size of the gaps that are in the noise.| |seed|Integer|The random seed of the noise.| |noiseType|NoiseType|The type of the specified noise.| |mode|NoiseQuality|The quality mode of the noise.|

This may seem nice, but there are several issues with VertexHeightNoise. These include:

  • Scarped terrain at the planet's poles
  • A black line which appears around sea level
  • Terrain disappears after going below sea level

It is recommended that you instead use one of the VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve PQSMods instead.

If you want to replicate the effect of VHN with one of the above mods, it is relatively simple to do so.

            // All blank fields can be whatever you want, see the VHNVHC2 page for more information on them.
            deformity =
            ridgedMode =

            ridgedAddSeed =
            ridgedAddFrequency =
            ridgedAddLacunarity =
            ridgedAddOctaves =

            ridgedSubSeed =
            ridgedSubFrequency = 0
            ridgedSubLacunarity =
            ridgedSubOctaves =

                key = 0 1
                key = 1 0

            simplexHeightStart =
            simplexHeightEnd =
            simplexSeed =
            simplexOctaves =
            simplexPersistence =
            simplexFrequency = 0

            enabled = true
            order =