The PQS { } node describes properties of the Procedural Quad Sphere that makes up the body and the material used for it (physics and redering-wise). It also contains the Mods { } subnode, which specifies which PQSMods to apply to customize the body.

Subnodes #

Example #

        // PQS Detail Settings
        minLevel = 2
        maxLevel = 10
        minDetailDistance = 8
        maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03

        // Surface physics material
            bounceCombine = Multiply
            frictionCombine = Maximum
            bounciness = 0
            staticFriction = 0.9
            dynamicFriction = 0.9
        //PQS fades, should roughly line up with ScaledSpace fades
        fadeStart = 60000
        fadeEnd = 120000
        deactivateAltitude = 160000

        mapMaxHeight = 8000
        materialType = AtmosphericOptimized

Property Format Description
minLevel Integer The minimum level of triangles needed to render the PQS (subdivision level). Advised not to alter.
maxLevel Integer The maximum level of triangles needed to render the PQS (subdivision level). Higher levels can lead to more detailed, yet much more noisy and sharp, terrain.
minDetailDistance Decimal The minimum subdivision level for scatters to spawn.
maxQuadLengthsPerFrame Decimal Unknown use. Advised not to alter.
fadeStart Decimal The altitude, in meters, in which the PQS begins to fade out. Should line up with ScaledVersion's fadeStart.
fadeEnd Decimal The altitude, in meters, in which the PQS is fully faded. Should line up with ScaledVersion's fadeEnd.
deactivateAltitude Decimal The altitude, in meters, in which the PQS is deactivated.
mapMaxHeight Decimal The maximum altitude, in meters, that can be represented in a height map exported from Kittopia. Omit to use the full height of the current PQS.
materialType PQSMaterial The name of the material type to use in the Material { } subnode. Possible values: Vacuum, AtmosphericBasic, AtmosphericMain, AtmosphericOptimized, AtmosphericExtra, AtmosphericOptimizedFastBlend, AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation, AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotationTextureArray (1.9).

PhysicsMaterial #

The PhysicsMaterial { } subnode describes how the PQS's terrain acts physically.

Property Format Description
bounceCombine PhysicsCombineMode Determines how the bounciness combines. Values are Average = 0, Multiply = 1, Minimum = 2, Maximum = 4. Default is Average.
frictionCombine PhysicsCombineMode Determines how the friction combines. Values are Average = 0, Multiply = 1, Minimum = 2, Maximum = 4. Default is Maximum.
bounciness Decimal The bounciness of the terrain. Default is 0.0.
staticFriction Decimal The friction of the terrain when unmoving. Default is 0.8.
dynamicFriction Decimal The friction of the terrain when moving. Default is 0.6.