
The Atmosphere { } subnode of the Body { } node describes the body's atmospheric attributes, such as oxygen, pressure, and temperature. It also contains the AtmosphereFromGround { } subnode (AFG), which details the atmosphere's colors.

Subnodes #

Example #

		enabled = true
		oxygen = false
		ambientColor = 0.2,0.3,0.8,1
		altitude = 35000
		staticPressureASL = 73.3086375


			key =	0	73.3086375	-9.40053885714286E-03	-9.40053885714286E-03
			key =	1750	56.8576945	-9.06132071428572E-03	-9.06132071428572E-03
			key =	3500	41.594015	-7.66193321571429E-03	-7.66193321571429E-03
			key =	5250	30.04092583	-5.75651121285714E-03	-5.75651121285714E-03
			key =	7000	21.44622817	-4.16994392857143E-03	-4.16994392857143E-03
			key =	8750	15.44612208	-2.90616120814286E-03	-2.90616100142857E-03
			key =	10500	11.27466225	-2.14383385714286E-03	-2.14383385714286E-03
			key =	12250	7.942703583	-1.57375037842857E-03	-1.57375037842857E-03
			key =	14000	5.766536167	-1.03374362157143E-03	-1.03374362157143E-03
			key =	15750	4.324600667	-7.27255171714286E-04	-7.27255171714286E-04
			key =	17500	3.221142583	-5.39731E-04	-5.39731E-04
			key =	19250	2.435542167	-4.01197907285714E-04	-4.01197907285714E-04
			key =	21000	1.816949667	-3.32120814571429E-04	-3.32120814571429E-04
			key =	22750	1.273118833	-2.57703878428571E-04	-2.57703878428571E-04
			key =	24500	0.9149863333	-1.74466857142857E-04	-1.74466857142857E-04
			key =	26250	0.6624848333	-1.36190255014286E-04	-1.36190255014286E-04
			key =	28000	0.4383204167	-1.16655755014286E-04	-1.16655755014286E-04
			key =	29750	0.2541896667	-9.19878571428571E-05	-9.19878571428571E-05
			key =	31500	0.1163629167	-6.40814285714286E-05	-6.40814285714286E-05
			key =	33250	0.02990466667	-3.32465407285714E-05	-3.32465407285714E-05
			key =	35000	0	-1.70883816414286E-05	-1.70883816414286E-05
		pressureCurveIsNormalized = false
		temperatureSeaLevel = 266.33
			key =	0	266.33	-0.01833333429	-0.01833333429
			key =	4200	196.3746529	-0.002596739429	-0.002588734857
			key =	7350	196.3746529	0.002588734857	0.002588734857
			key =	10850	246.342758	0.001414898286	0.001414898286
			key =	19600	246.342758	-0.001951223714	-0.001951223714
			key =	28000	170.0278339	-0.002596739429	-0.002596739429
			key =	31500	170.0278339	0.001353641429	0.001353641429
			key =	35000	209.0938069	0.001984583143	0.001984583143
			key =	52500	0	-0.001284597429	-0.001284597429
			key =	0	1	0	0
			key =	2692.307692	0.5	-0.0001714285714	-0.0002932711429
			key =	2966.661923	0	0	0
			key =	5401.571537	0	0	0
			key =	12747.88846	0.2	0	0
			key =	19330.81231	0.2	0	0
			key =	24577.96922	0	0	0
			key =	35000	0.4	0	0
Property Format Description
enabled Boolean Whether the body has an atmosphere.
oxygen Boolean Whether the atmosphere contains oxygen. Used for whether jet engines should work in the atmosphere.
ambientColor Color All objects inside of the atmosphere will slightly shine in this color.
lightColor Color (Deprecated) Sets the AFG waveLength to this value. If AFG is not included, it automatically creates a new AFG.
staticDensityASL Decimal Atmospheric density at sea level. Used to calculate the parameters of the atmosphere if no curves are used.
staticPressureASL Decimal The static pressure at sea level in kPa. Used to calculate the parameters of the atmosphere if no curves are used. It is displayed in KSP under the body information.
temperatureSeaLevel Decimal The static temperature in Kelvin at sea level. Used to calculate the parameters of the atmosphere if no curves are used.
adiabaticIndex Decimal The ratio of the heat capacity of a gas at constant pressure to its heat capacity at constant volume. Used to determine the speed of sound.
atmosphereDepth Decimal (Also altitude,maxAltitude) The atmosphere cutoff altitude/height of the atmosphere.
gasMassLapseRate Decimal ?
atmosphereMolarMass Decimal The average molar mass of all the gases in the atmosphere in kg/mol. Used to determine density (which is then also a factor in the speed of sound.)
temperatureLapseRate Decimal ?
pressureCurveIsNormalized Boolean Whether the pressure curve height values should use absolute (0 - atmosphereDepth) or relative (0 - 1) values.
pressureCurve FloatCurve Assigns a pressure value (in kPa) to a height value inside of the atmosphere.
temperatureCurveIsNormalized Boolean Whether the temperature curve should use absolute (0 - atmosphereDepth) or relative (0 - 1) values.
temperatureCurve FloatCurve Assigns a temperature value (in Kelvin) to a height value inside of the atmosphere.
temperatureSunMultCurve FloatCurve This curve takes altitude (meters) and returns a multiplier. Its value defines how temperatureSeaLevel varies with altitude.
temperatureLatitudeBiasCurve FloatCurve This curve takes latitude (degrees) and returns temperature (K). Its value defines the latitudinal temperature variation.
temperatureLatitudeSunMultCurve FloatCurve This curve takes latitude (degrees) and returns temperature (K). Its value defines the diurnal temperature variation.
temperatureAxialSunBiasCurve FloatCurve This curve takes true anomaly (degrees) and returns temperature (K). Its value defines the seasonal temperature variation.
temperatureEccentricityBiasCurve FloatCurve This curve takes a value between 0 (periapsis) and 1 (apoapsis) and returns temperature (K). Its value defines the temperature variation due to orbital eccentricity.