
The AtmosphereFromGround { } subnode of the Atmosphere { } node describes the atmosphere's color when seen in LocalSpace.

Example #

		DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = False
		doScale = True
		waveLength = 0.864102423, 0.807692051, 0.650640965, 0.5
		samples = 4
		innerRadiusMult = 0.975
		outerRadiusMult = 1.025
Property Format Description
DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll Boolean Whether all parameters should get recalculated and reapplied every frame.
doScale Boolean Whether the atmosphere mesh should be scaled automatically.
innerRadius Decimal The lower bound of the atmosphere effect in meters.
outerRadius Decimal The upper bound of the atmosphere effect in meters.
invWaveLength BandOffset The inverse wavelength. Either this OR waveLength should be used. The inverse wavelength is equivalent to each of the color values of the waveLength as x: 1/(x^4) with an alpha of 0.5.
waveLength BandOffset The wavelength of the atmosphere. Either this OR invWaveLength should be used. The wavelength is equal to each of the color values of the invWaveLength as x: sqrt(sqrt(1/x)) with an alpha of 0.5.
samples Decimal ?
transformScale Vector3 The scale of the atmosphere mesh in all three directions. Automatically set if doScale is enabled. If this is set, then doScale is set to false automatically.
innerRadiusMult Decimal A multiplier that automatically sets innerRadius based on the planet's radius. Replaces innerRadius.
outerRadiusMult Decimal A multiplier that automatically sets outerRadius based on the planet's radius. Replaces outerRadius.

BandOffset is an input type unique to AtmosphereFromGround and is not strictly a color. Instead, it is the amount a series of specifically-colored bands are offset up and down. The way in which these bands overlap determine the atmosphere color. Note that in waveLength, a value of 1 means the band is all the way down. Usage of KittopiaTech is recommended to set these parameters.