
The SpaceCenter { } node describes the location and altitude of the KSC and the MapDecal that creates the flat region it is located on. It is a subnode of Body { }. It should only be used for the home world(?).

Subnodes #

* `Material { }` link to grassamaterial

Example #

            latitude = // Float, latitude of the KSC building collection
            longitude = // Float, longitude of the KSC building collection
            repositionRadial = // Vector3
            decalLatitude = // Float, Latitude of the KSC MapDecal
            decalLongitude = // Float, Longitude of the KSC MapDecal
            lodvisibleRangeMultiplier = // Float
            reorientFinalAngle = // Float
            reorientInitialUp = // Vector3
            reorientToSphere = // Boolean
            repositionRadiusOffset = // Float
            repositionToSphere = // Boolean
            repositionToSphereSurface = // Boolean
            repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = // Boolean
            position = // Vector3
            radius = // Float, height of KSC
            heightMapDeformity = // Float
            absoluteOffset = // Float
            absolute = // Boolean
            groundColor = // Color, the color of the KSC grass
            groundTexture = // Texture, KSC grass texture when up close
            editorGroundColor = // Color, color of the ksc grass as seen from the editor
                nearGrassTexture = Texture
                nearGrassTiling = Float
                farGrassTexture = Texture
                farGrassTiling = Float
                farGrassBlendDistance = Float
                grassColor = Color
                tarmacTexture = Texture
                tarmacTextureOffset = Vector2
                tarmacTextureScale = Vector2
                opacity = Float
                rimColor = Color
                rimFalloff = Float
                underwaterFogFactor = Float

            editorGroundTex = // Texture, grass surface texture as seen from the editor
            editorGroundTexScale = // Vector2, scale of the grass surface texture as seen from inside the editor
            editorGroundTexOffset = // Vector2, offset of the ksc grass surface texture as seen from inside the editor
Property Format Description
latitude Decimal Latitude of the KSC building collection.
longitude Decimal Longitude of the KSC building collection.
repositionRadial Vector3 ?
decalLatitude Decimal Latitude of the KSC MapDecal.
decalLongitude Decimal Longitude of the KSC MapDecal.
lodvisibleRangeMultiplier Decimal Multiplier of the visible range from the Space Center view(?).
reorientFinalAngle Decimal Final angle of the KSC(?).
reorientInitialUp Vector3 "Up" direction of the KSC(?).
reorientToSphere Boolean Whether to reorient to a sphere(?).
reorientToSphereSurface Boolean Whether to reorient to the sphere's surface(?).
reorientToSphereSurfaceAddHeight Boolean Whether to add height to the reoriented sphere's surface(?).
position Vector3 The position of the KSC. NOT LAT/LONG!
radius Decimal Height and scale of the KSC.
heightMapDeformity Decimal External height map deformity(?).
absoluteOffset Decimal Offset from the ground.
absolute Boolean ?
groundColor Color Color of the KSC grass.
groundTexture File Path The texture containing the KSC's ground texture when viewed up close.
editorGroundColor Color Color of the KSC grass found in the editor.
editorGroundTex File Path The texture containing the KSC's ground texture when viewed up close from the editor.
editorGroundTexScale Vector2 Scale of the grass texture found in the editor.
editorGroundTexOffset Vector2 Offset of the grass texture found in the editor.