The Light { }
subnode of the ScaledVersion { }
node describes the light quality of the star itself.
Example #
sunlightColor = 1.0,0.384,0.345,1.0
sunlightIntensity = 0.9
sunlightShadowStrength = 0.75
scaledSunlightColor = 1.0,0.384,0.345,1.0
scaledSunlightIntensity = 0.9
IVASunColor = 1.0,0.384,0.345,1.0
IVASunIntensity = 0.9
ambientLightColor = 0.6,0.06,0.06,1.0
sunLensFlareColor = 1.0,0.352,0.301,1.0
givesOffLight = true
sunAU = 13599840256
luminosity = 1360
insolation = 0.15
key = -0.01573471 0.217353 1.706627 1.706627 // 1/0 - At furthest or unreal distance.
key = 5.084181 3.997075 -0.001802375 -0.001802375 // 1/5 AU
key = 38.56295 1.82142 0.0001713 0.0001713 // 1/38 AU - At an extremely close distance.
key = 0 0.9 0 0
key = 1 0.9 0 0
key = 0 0.9 0 0
key = 1 0.9 0 0
key = 0 0.8099999 0 0
key = 1 0.8099999 0 0
Property | Format | Description |
sunFlare | File Path | The path to an asset bundle containing a Unity LensFlare object that should be applied to the star. |
sunlightColor | Color | The color of the LocalSpace starlight. Influences vessels and PQS terrain. |
sunlightIntensity | Decimal | The intensity of the LocalSpace starlight. Usage not recommended, because of a lacking distance limit. Use IntensityCurve instead. |
sunlightShadowStrength | Decimal | The strength of the shadows caused by LocalSpace starlight. |
scaledSunlightColor | Color | The color of the ScaledSpace starlight. Influences the ScaledSpace representation of the bodies. |
scaledSunlightIntensity | Decimal | The intensity of the ScaledSpace starlight. Usage not recommended, because of a lacking distance limit. Use ScaledIntensityCurve instead. |
IVASunColor | Color | The color of the starlight in IVA view. |
IVASunIntensity | Decimal | The intensity of the IVA starlight. Usage not recommended, because of a lacking distance limit. Use IVAIntensityCurve instead. |
ambientLightColor | Color | The color of ambient lighting when orbiting near the star. |
sunLensFlareColor | Color | The color of the star's LensFlare effect. Gets multiplied with the color of the base texture (yellow-ish for stock flare). |
givesOffLight | Boolean | Whether the star should emit light and have a LensFlare effect, or whether it's an object like a black hole. |
sunAU | Decimal | Distance in meters. This is the AU value used by brightnessCurve . |
luminosity | Decimal | Misnomer. Insolation in watts per square meter at Kerbin's orbit. Calculate for other stars as the (starLuminosity)^0.5 * 1360, where starLuminosity = 1 is the starLuminosity of the stock sun (roughly 1/100th the luminosity of the real world sun). You can use it to calculate the starLuminosity by 4 * Math.PI * kerbinAU * kerbinAU * luminosity. |
insolation | Decimal | ?value modifying luminosity for power reaching surface? |
radiationFactor | Decimal | Unknown, testing desired |
brightnessCurve | FloatCurve | Associates a distance value with a multiplier for the brightness (which is actually just the size) of the sunflare effect. The distances are specified as 1/x AU, with 0 being the farthest and x being measured in units of sunAU . For example, a value of 2 means that key applies at 1/2 AU. See the example above for more information. |
IntensityCurve | FloatCurve | Associates a distance value (in meters) with a value that describes the intensity of the LocalSpace starlight at that point. |
ScaledIntensityCurve | FloatCurve | Associates a distance value (in meters / 6000) with a value that describes the intensity of the ScaledSpace starlight at that point. |
IVAIntensityCurve | FloatCurve | Associates a distance value (in meters) with a value that describes the intensity of the IVA starlight at that point. |