
The Biomes { } node is a subnode of Properties { } and contains several Biome { } subnodes, each of which describes a biome. Each biome section contains its own name, corresponding color, and science multiplier.

Example #

    name = Lowlands
    value = 1.25
    color = 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 1.0
    name = Highlands
    value = 0.9
    color = 0.75, 0.6, 0.95, 1.0
Property Format Description
name Text The name of the biome. Sets displayName if it is not set.
displayName Text The name to be displayed. Can be a localization tag.
value Decimal The science multiplier for the biome.
color Color The color of the biome on the biomeMap, specified at Properties/biomeMap.