
The VertexSimplexNoiseColor PQSMod generates RGB Perlin noise for use in terrain coloration.

Example #

      blend = 0.1
      colorStart = 0.2,0.2,0.3,1
      colorEnd = 0.7,0.9,0.4,1
      frequency = 0.2
      octaves = 2
      persistence = 0.3
      seed = 223476
      enabled = true
      order = 80
Property Format Description
blend Decimal The amount to blend the noise by.
colorStart Color The starting color to use for the perlin noise. Noise will generate between this color and colorEnd.
colorEnd Color The ending color to use for the perlin noise. Noise will generate between this color and colorStart.
frequency Decimal The size of the each feature of the perlin noise. As frequency gets bigger, size gets smaller.
persistence Decimal The complexity of or amount of detail in the noise.
seed Integer The random seed of the noise.