
The LightEmitter ModularScatter component allows for scatters to provide their own light based on numerous arguments. Most arguments are optional.

Performance warning #

This feature can be quite performance heavy if used on a scatter type that has a large amount of objects per quad. Less than 5-20 scatters per quad is alright, higher numbers will start to have a quite noticeable impact.

                    type = Point
                    color = 0.85,0.88,1,1
                    range = 3000
                    intensity = 6
                    offset = 0,0,0
Property Format Description
type LightType The type of light to be emitted from the scatter. Values are Spot, Directional (more resource-intensive), Point, Rectangle (rectangle-shaped area light that affects only baked lightmaps and lightprobes), or Disc (disc-shaped area light that affects only baked lightmaps and lightprobes).
color Color The color of light to be emitted.
colorTemperature Decimal The color temperature of the light. Correlated Color Temperature (abbreviated as CCT) is multiplied with the color filter when calculating the final color of a light source. The color temperature of the electromagnetic radiation emitted from an ideal black body is defined as its surface temperature in Kelvin. White is 6500K according to the D65 standard. Candle light is 1800K.
intensity Decimal The intensity of the light.
bounceIntensity Decimal The intensity of the light after bouncing off a surface?
shadows LightShadows The shadow that the light should cast. Values are None, Hard, and Soft. Default is None.
shadowStrength Decimal The strength of the shadows formed by the light.
shadowResolution LightShadowResolution The resolution of the shadow map. Values are FromQualitySettings, Low, Medium, High, and VeryHigh.
shadowCustomResolution Integer The custom resolution of the shadow map. By default, shadow map resolution is computed from its importance on screen. Setting this property to a value greater than zero will override that behavior. Please note that the shadow map resolution will still be rounded to the nearest power of two and capped by memory and hardware limits.
shadowBias Decimal Shadow mapping constant bias. Shadow caster surfaces are pushed by this world-space amount away from the light, to help prevent self-shadowing ("shadow acne") artifacts.
shadowNormalBias Decimal Shadow mapping normal-based bias. Shadow caster surfaces are pushed inwards along their normals by this amount, to help prevent self-shadowing ("shadow acne") artifacts. Units of normal-based bias are expressed in terms of shadowmap texel size; typically values between 0.3-0.7 work well. Larger values prevent shadow acne better, at expense of making shadow shape smaller than the object actually is. Currently normal-based bias is only implemented for directional lights; it has no effect for other light types.
shadowNearPlane Decimal Near plane value to use for shadow frustums. This determines how close to the light shadows will stop being rendered from an object.
range Decimal The range of the light. (in meters?)
spotAngle Decimal The angle of the light's spotlight cone in degrees. This is used primarily for Spot lights and has no effect for Point lights.
innerSpotAngle Decimal The angle of the light's spotlight inner cone in degrees. This is only used for Spot lights.
cookieSize Decimal The size of a directional light's cookie.
cookie File Path The path to the cookie texture projected by the light. If the cookie is a cube map, the light will become a Point light. Note that cookies are only displayed for pixel lights.
flare Flare The flare asset to use for this light.
renderMode LightRenderMode How to render the light. Pixel lights render slower but look better, especially on not very highly tesselated geometry. Some effects (e.g. bumpmapping) are only displayed for pixel lights. Values are Auto, ForcePixel, and ForceVertex.
cullingMask Integer (Optional) This is used to light certain objects in the Scene selectively. An object will only be illuminated by a light if that light's cullingMask includes the layer chosen for the object (ie, the mask bit for the layer must be set to 1 for the object to receive any light).
useBoundingSphereOverride Boolean Whether to override the light bounding sphere for culling.
boundingSphereOverride Vector4 Bounding sphere used to override the regular light bounding sphere during culling.
renderingLayerMask Integer Determines which rendering layer mask the light affects.
lightShadowCasterMode LightShadowCasterMode Allows you to override the global Shadowmask Mode per light. Values are Default, NonLightmappedOnly, and Everything.
layerShadowCullDistances Float List (Optional) A list of 32 per-light, per-layer shadow culling distances. Dynamic shadows can be cast into view from shadow casters that are very far away from the camera. At low incident light angles, this can lead to a lot of objects needing to cast dynamic shadows, which in turn can result in high rendering costs during shadow maps generation. Using layerShadowCullDistances lets you limit, on a per-layer basis, how far from the camera shadows casters are allowed to be before they get culled from shadow maps generation. The feature complements Camera.layerCullDistances, but only affects shadow casting, not regular object rendering. Just like Camera.layerCullDistances, layerShadowCullDistances requires that you assign a float array of exactly 32 values. A distance of 0 in a layer's index means keep current behaviour for that layer. Assigning null completely disables shadow distance culling, and is effectively the same as passing an array of 32 zeros.
offset Vector3 (Optional) The offset of the light, relative to the center of the scatter object. Defaults to 0,0,0.