
The HeightColorMap2 PQSMod is a mod that colors the terrain based on altitude using user-defined landclasses and has slightly more configuration options than HeightColorMap.

Subnodes #

  • LandClasses { } (defined below)

Example #

            enabled = true
            order = 24
            blend = 0.1
            minHeight = -1000
            maxHeight = 50000
                    name = _Ocean
                    color = 0.1,0.2,0.8,1
                    altitudeStart = 0.0
                    altitudeEnd = 0.125
                    lerpToNext = true
                    name = _Plains
                    color = 0.7,0.6,0.1,1
                    altitudeStart = 0.125
                    altitudeEnd = 0.375
                    lerpToNext = true
                    name = _MountainSide
                    color = 0.6,0.9,0.05,1
                    altitudeStart = 0.375
                    altitudeEnd = 0.75
                    lerpToNext = true
                    name = _RoundingTheSummit
                    color = 0.7,0.85,0.2,1
                    altitudeStart = 0.75
                    altitudeEnd = 0.9
                    lerpToNext = true
                    name = _IceCap
                    color = 0.9,0.9,0.9,1
                    altitudeStart = 0.9
                    altitudeEnd = 1.0
                    lerpToNext = false
Property Format Description
blend Decimal The blend between the LandClasses.
minHeight Decimal The minimum height, or 0.0 altitude, of a LandClass.
maxHeight Decimal The maxmium height, or 1.0 altitude, of a LandClass.

LandClasses #

The LandClasses { } wraps several LandClass { } nodes that describe an individual region's color as defined by altitudes.

Property Format Description
name Text The name of the LandClass.
color Color The color to be applied to the LandClass.
altitudeStart Decimal The starting altitude of the LandClass. NOTE: Altitude is measured in fractions of defined height: altitude = (height - minHeight) / (maxHeight - minHeight).
altitudeEnd Decimal The ending altitude of the LandClass. Follows same measurement unit as altitudeStart.
lerpToNext Boolean Whether to blend into the next LandClass. Highly recommended to set to true on all but the last LandClass.