
A replacement for the VertexHeightMap PQSMod that allows you to use textures encoded with 16 bpp. What is "bpp"? Any textures that are to be used with VertexHeightMap16 need to be passed through a converter, which can be found along with VHM16 and the other KopernicusExpansion packages at In order to work with the converter the textures:

  • Need to be greyscale .raw files with only one channel containing data
  • Need to have a width/height ratio of 2:1
  • Need to have been exported with Macintosh byte order

Example #

      map = Fruits/PluginData/
      offset = -5000
      deformity = 15000
      scaleDeformityByRadius = false
      enabled = true
      order = 20
Property Format Description
map File Path A 16-bpp encoded texture containing the body's heightmap in greyscale. Black is the offset height, and White is the deformity + offset height.
offset Decimal The offset of the height map from the body's radius.
deformity Decimal The deformity of the height map (difference between lowest and highest point).
scaleDeformityByRadius Boolean Whether to multiply the deformity by the planet's radius.