Reentry Effects

The ReentryFX { } subnode is a part of Kopernicus Expansion and allows you to add and customize the body's reentry effects.

Example #

// This is the default effect configuration, provided by SnailsAttack.
        min = 0.5
        max = 2
        min = 0
        max = 1
        min = 0
        max = 0.3
        min = 0.9
        max = 0.9
        min = 1
        max = 1
        min = 2
        max = 1
        min = 0
        max = 0.11
        min = 5
        max = 15
        min = -3
        max = 8
        min = 1
        max = 1
        min = 1,0.294,0.114,0
        max = 1,0.294,0.114,1
        min = 0.3
        max = 1
        min = 0
        max = 0.5
        min = 0
        max = 0
        min = 0.9
        max = 0.9
        min = -0.6
        max = -0.6
        min = 0.5
        max = 0.5
        min = 0
        max = 0.11
        min = 2
        max = 3.5
        min = 0
        max = 0
        min = 0
        max = -0.2
        min = 0.22,0.22,0.22,0
        max = 0.22,0.22,0.22,1

NOTE: Anything that isn't a Node is a Min/Max Node that contains simply a min and a max key that details the minimum and maximum for that Min/Max Node. Also, items between Nodes belong to the Node above it.

Property/Node Format Description
ReentryEffects Node Node for all aerodrag effects.
ReentryHeat Node Node for the reentry flame effects. The minimum values occur when the reentry flames are fading into or out of existence, and the maximum values occur when the reentry flames are in full effect. The "Fade-in" and "Fade-out" duration depend on your craft's speed and the atmospheric pressure.
airspeedNoisePitch Decimal "Woosh" sound effect pitch. 1 is probably the "normal" pitch, but the maximum is unknown.
airspeedNoiseVolume Decimal "Woosh" sound effect volume. 1 appears to be the max volume.
edgeFade Decimal How intense the flames are and how much they fade closer to the ends and edges of the plume. Values greater than 2(?) are invisible.
falloff1 Decimal Determines some aspect of the intensity of the min-max transition fade as well as how much the reentry flames appear to billow. 0 makes the effects appear straight, values greater than 2 look bad. Negative values of ~1 sort of make the transitions overlap and the flames bunch up together, while negative values greater than 5 just become extremely buggy.
falloff2 Decimal How "fuzzy" and wobbly the reentry effects appear perpendicular to your drag. The highest effective value is somewhere around 5. 0 makes the effects appear straight, negative values of ~1 make the flames project outwards behind the craft, and higher values make it shoot out of the craft like a laser beam.
falloff3 Decimal Function undetermined. Disables the reentry flames if set to 0 or a negative number.
intensity Decimal How sporadically the reentry flames wobble close to the ends and edges of the plume.
length Decimal How large the reentry flames are. 1 is right up against the craft, 10 envelopes the whole ship.
lightPower Decimal The intensity of the light which is cast upon the wind-wards side of your craft during reentry. 10 means it'll be very bright, 0 means there won't be any.
wobble Decimal How sporadically the reentry flames wobble on a large scale. 0 makes the effects stationary (sort of), 1 makes em vibrate as normal. Values higher than 1 tend not to look so good.
color Color The color of the reentry flames in RGBA. Darker colors will result in more flames which are more transparent, negative values are invisible.
Condensation Node The minimum values occur when the condensation plume is fading into or out of existence, and the maximum values occur when the condensation plume is in full effect. The "Fade-in" and "Fade-out" duration depend on your craft's speed and the atmospheric pressure.
airspeedNoisePitch Decimal "Woosh" sound effect pitch. 1 is probably the "normal" pitch, but the maximum is unknown.
airspeedNoiseVolume Decimal "Woosh" sound effect volume. 1 appears to be the max volume.
edgeFade Decimal How intense the plume is and how much it fades closer to its ends and edges. Values greater than 2(?) are invisible.
falloff1 Decimal Determines some aspect of the intensity of the min-max transition fade as well as how much the condensation plume appears to billow. 0 makes the effects appear straight, values greater than 2 look bad. Negative values of ~1 sort of make the transitions overlap and the plumes bunch up together, while negative values greater than 5 just become extremely buggy.
falloff2 Decimal How "fuzzy" and wobbly the condensation plume appears perpendicular to your drag. The highest effective value is somewhere around 5. 0 makes the effects appear straight, negative values of ~1 make the plume project outwards behind the craft, and higher values make it shoot out of the craft like a laser beam.
falloff3 Decimal Function undetermined. Disables the reentry flames if set to 0 or a negative number.
intensity Decimal How sporadically the condensation plume wobbles close to the ends and edges of the plume.
length Decimal How large the condensation plume is.
lightPower Decimal The intensity of the light which is cast upon the wind-wards side of your craft when the condensation plume is in effect. 10 means it'll be very bright, 0 means there won't be any.
wobble Decimal How sporadically the condensation plume wobbles on a large scale. 0 makes the effects stationary (sort of), 1 makes em vibrate as normal. Values higher than 1 tend not to look so good.
color Color The color of the condensation plume in RGBA. Darker colors will result in a more transparent plume, negative values are invisible.