Procedural Gas Giants

Example #

    rampTexture = Fruits/PluginData/
    stormMap = Fruits/PluginData/
    seed = 35293
    cloudSpeed = 50
    hasStorms = true
    distortion = 3.5
    frequency = 8.75
    lacunarity = 2.5
    gain = 0.5
    stormFrequency = 2.5
    stormDistortion = 8.35
Property Format Description
rampTexture File Path The texture containing the color ramp gradient.
rampTextureGradient Gradient Similar to the ScaledVersion/Material { } Gradient, this gradient creates a ramp that sets the color ramp gradient.
generateRampFromScaledTexture File Path A texture that should be scaled in order to produce a rampTexture.
stormMap File Path The texture containing the storm map for the gas giant.
seed Integer The random seed for Perlin noise. Defaults to 0.
animate Boolean Whether to animate the gas giant. Animation only speeds up until 5000x timewarp speed. Defaults to true.
cloudSpeed Decimal The speed at which the clouds should move. Defaults to 20.
hasStorms Boolean Whether the gas giant should have storms.
distortion Decimal The distortion amount for the gas giant bands?
frequency Decimal The number of bands that should be present on the gas giant?
lacunarity Decimal ?
gain Decimal ?
stormFrequency Decimal The frequency of the storms that should occur on the gas giant.
stormDistortion Decimal The distortion of the storms.